おかえりなさい コロニアソルト
ボリビア共和国 サンタクルス県 コロニアオキナワ(沖縄移住地)
かつて密林だったこの場所を、沖縄から移民としてやってきたウチナーンチュたちがゼロから切り開き、現在のオキナワ村「コロニア オキナワ」ができました。
300 million years ago, our earth was very beautiful
Welcome Back, Colonia Salt!
Bolivia, Santa Cruz Department, Colonia Okinawa (Okinawa Settlement)
Approximately 2 hours' drive from Santa Cruz
Once a dense jungle, this land was cleared from scratch by Okinawans who immigrated as pioneers, creating the current Okinawan village of "Colonia Okinawa".
Before the current Okinawan village was established, the Uchinanchu (Okinawa Prefecture residents) built their lives in the harsh wilderness.
The pink salt from the Andes Mountains in Bolivia, harvested from deposits formed over 300 million years ago, is a natural treasure born from nature, completely free of pollutants.
Known in the Andes region as "the salt that brings happiness," we invite you to enjoy this pink salt, which has returned from Bolivia to Okinawa after nearly 100 years of Bolivian settlement.
1907年 第4次移民団でペルーに移民し、その後、沖縄出身者を束ねてボリビアに再入植した。
1945年 太平洋戦争終結後、戦前に沖縄からボリビアに移民していた者たちは、故郷であり、地上戦が行われた沖縄の困窮を憂いた。
1948年8月 ラパスの沖縄県人会は「ラパス市沖縄救援会」を発足
11月 リベラルタで「リベラルタ市沖縄戦災救援会」を発足
1949年 リベラルタの沖縄県人会で沖縄県民のボリビア移住の受け入れが提案され、ボリビア全土に散らばる沖縄県出身者も入植させて
1950年 県人会は調査団をサンタ・クルス県に派遣し、入植先の選定を本格化させた。
1951年 移住計画案は、サンタ・クルス県知事の認可を受けており、認可書は琉球政府とアメリカ政府に送付された。
The History of Colonia Okinawa
1907 A group of Okinawans, part of the fourth wave of immigration, settled in Peru. Later, they united to re-establish themselves in Bolivia.
These Okinawans are recognized as the first Okinawan immigrants to Bolivia.
As the rubber boom in the Amazon region subsided, Japanese immigrants in Bolivia settled in and around Riberalta, forming a Japanese community.
Approximately 100 Okinawans were residing in Riberalta before World War II.
1945 Following the end of the Pacific War, Okinawans who had previously immigrated to Bolivia from Okinawa were deeply concerned about the plight of their war-torn homeland.
In August 1948 the Okinawa Prefectural Association in La Paz established the "La Paz City Okinawa Relief Association"
November 1948 the "Riberalta City Okinawa War Relief Association" was formed in Riberalta.
1949 the Okinawa Prefectural Association in Riberalta proposed accepting more Okinawan immigrants to Bolivia and establishing an "Okinawa Village" to accommodate Okinawans scattered throughout Bolivia.
1950 the Prefectural Association dispatched a survey team to Santa Cruz Department to officially select a settlement site.
1951 the immigration plan was approved by the Governor of Santa Cruz Department, and the approval document was sent to the Ryukyu Government and the US Government.

Rock salt (pink salt) from the Bolivian Andes.
Compared to table salt, it contains about 7 times more magnesium, 70 times more calcium, 5 times more potassium, and a large amount of iron that is not found in table salt, making it rich in minerals.
It is said to be effective in beautifying skin and preventing anemia, and its moderate flavor and mild taste enhance the flavor of food.
While Colonia Salt is primarily intended for culinary use, its unique properties make it an excellent choice for bath salts as well. When dissolved in bathwater, Colonia Salt interacts with skin oils to form a protective barrier that hydrates and shields the skin. This barrier also helps retain body heat, promoting a deeper, more invigorating warmth. Additionally, Colonia Salt is believed to stimulate sweating and vasodilation, further enhancing blood circulation and leaving skin feeling smooth and revitalized.